What many parents seem to forget when naming a child is choosing a middle name for their baby. This is a very important step in the process in which a child is named. A middle name not only adds to the personal identity of a person. It also gives them another term that people can…
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How To Hire A Nanny
Hiring a nanny is one of the best solutions. People may consider daycare instead of nanny. So which choice is better than another? Why would you choose to hire a nanny instead of using a daycare? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as well as what you should look for when choosing a…
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8 Games To Play With Your Baby
If you’re wondering how to interact with your baby in the early days, just think back to your own childhood. Games your mom played with you are not outdated. In addition to making baby smile, silly baby rituals like “this little piggy went to market” teach your child some important early skills. Here are some…
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Spring Cleaning – Hard Work Which Is Worth It!
Spring cleaning: for some a chore for others a joy. I learned about this ritual at an early age. Now, the thought of spring cleaning evokes precious memories. When I was a young child, back in the land of four seasons and none of them rain, the cold inhibiting days of winter were ushered out…
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Simple Rules of Home Organization
Let’s be honest. Nobody likes rules. But the thing is, if you’re serious about home organization, then there are some specific rules you’ll want to follow. You’ll see how much easier organization will be by taking the following simple steps. Home Organizing Rule #1 “Touch it Once!” This is a form of procrastination and it…
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5 Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea has been consumed by people for centuries, most likely dating back to prehistoric times. It was first cultivated in Asia and has more health benefits than black tea. However, both green tea and black tea come from the same plant. The only difference is that black tea is more heavily processed. As with…
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Music and Your Child
Does your child like music? Is music important in your child’s life and development? As the mother of a two year old, I am always looking for activities that encourage learning and development. I find that most of the activities we do together that result in learning are purely by coincidence and luck. Not by…
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How to Relieve Stress
Is it really that hard to relieve stress? Nobody in their right mind would try to convince you that we live in a stress-free world. While it is true that men and women both are subjected to stress, it seems that men tend to have a harder time dealing with it. It used to be…
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Health Benefits of Coffee
Did you ever wonder if the delicious taste is the only great thing about coffee? The answer is NO. Coffee has a lot of health benefits. Caffeine, like chocolate, often receives bad publicity. Whilst in some instances, and in excess, these can have negative effects on our body, they can also be quite beneficial. I…
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Is Winter Weight Gain Normal?
Winter weight gain is normal and while it is perfectly acceptable to gain extra weight in the colder months, too much poundage may take longer to work off when warm weather finally hits. Winter can be challenging when it comes to maintaining, or especially losing weight. The days get shorter. The nights longer and sometimes…
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