Exfoliation is a method that is used to remove the dead skin cells and leave behind the fresh new skin cells. This gives the skin improved quality and appearance. Skin cells can become old. They harden and lose moisture and the appearance of the skin then becomes dull and dry. This leads to the pores becoming…
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5 Benefits of Green Tea
Green tea has been consumed by people for centuries, most likely dating back to prehistoric times. It was first cultivated in Asia and has more health benefits than black tea. However, both green tea and black tea come from the same plant. The only difference is that black tea is more heavily processed. As with…
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How to Relieve Stress
Is it really that hard to relieve stress? Nobody in their right mind would try to convince you that we live in a stress-free world. While it is true that men and women both are subjected to stress, it seems that men tend to have a harder time dealing with it. It used to be…
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Health Benefits of Coffee
Did you ever wonder if the delicious taste is the only great thing about coffee? The answer is NO. Coffee has a lot of health benefits. Caffeine, like chocolate, often receives bad publicity. Whilst in some instances, and in excess, these can have negative effects on our body, they can also be quite beneficial. I…
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Is Winter Weight Gain Normal?
Winter weight gain is normal and while it is perfectly acceptable to gain extra weight in the colder months, too much poundage may take longer to work off when warm weather finally hits. Winter can be challenging when it comes to maintaining, or especially losing weight. The days get shorter. The nights longer and sometimes…
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7 Tips To Drop A Dress Size
If you need to lose weight, there are many ways to help the process along. Use these top tips to help you drop a dress size quickly and easily – even if you’re a busy working woman. Take the time to make small changes each day. You’ll be amazed at how quickly they all add…
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Exercise Tips That Really Work
Sorry, there’s just no way around it, if you want to get in shape you have to eat well and get a lot of regular exercise. A pill isn’t going to do it all for you. Of course, you want to optimize the results you get from your exercise routine and these exercise tips will…
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Workout Tips for Busy Moms
It can be hard to find the time for a workout when you’re one of the busy moms. Trust me, I know. Sometimes I barely have the time to take a shower. But I decided, that I want to get in shape no matter what. So I took baby steps toward becoming a healthy and…
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6 Tips to Lose Weight after Pregnancy
40 lbs! That’s how much weight I gained during my pregnancy. Everyone around me was telling me how it was not a problem. How I’m going to lose all that pregnancy weight a few weeks after giving birth without any effort. Let me tell you what I think about what they told me now: HOGWASH, NONSENSE,…
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