Hiring a nanny is one of the best solutions. People may consider daycare instead of nanny. So which choice is better than another? Why would you choose to hire a nanny instead of using a daycare? Here are some questions you should ask yourself as well as what you should look for when choosing a…
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8 Games To Play With Your Baby
If you’re wondering how to interact with your baby in the early days, just think back to your own childhood. Games your mom played with you are not outdated. In addition to making baby smile, silly baby rituals like “this little piggy went to market” teach your child some important early skills. Here are some…
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Music and Your Child
Does your child like music? Is music important in your child’s life and development? As the mother of a two year old, I am always looking for activities that encourage learning and development. I find that most of the activities we do together that result in learning are purely by coincidence and luck. Not by…
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Quick & Easy Snack Ideas For Your Toddler
Your growing toddler needs to snack quite a few times a day in addition to eating regular meals with the rest of the family. Here are a few quick and easy snack ideas that you can put together in just a few minutes. You toddler will enjoy these yummy snacks. Ham and Cheese Crackers Cut…
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Is Your Toddler Ready for Potty Training?
You’re getting tired of changing those diapers, aren’t you? It’s so great to be able to get your child out of diapers. But, when it comes to potty training, timing is everything. If you start when your child isn’t ready, it will just take longer. However, if you miss the right opportunity, your child may…
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6 Baby Bathing Essentials
Baby bathing essentials are a bit different in every household. But there are a few things common in every one of them. Shortly you’ll get to the list of those essentials. Bath time can be fun for parents too! Well, as long as they have everything they need. It’s better to have prepared everything you…
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Baby Grooming Essentials
In this article you will find the most important baby grooming essentials. You should always have these things on hand as a parent of a baby or a toddler since you’ll have to use them quite often. THERMOMETER It’s really important to have a high quality thermometer in a household with a baby. Investing in…
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5 Ways to Calm a Crying Baby
Is your baby crying a lot? I know how you feel. Heartbroken. Lost. Desperate and willing to do everything to stop the crying and make your baby feel as comfortable as possible. Welcome to the magical world of parenting! It’s not easy, but at the end of the day – after 10 feedings, 10 burpings,…
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