All of us want to pick the best bottle for our baby. We tend to become overwhelmed when we find out how many different options there are but no one can blame us. They become overwhelmed and confused(or both) by so many choices. Don’t worry. We’ll help you to pick the right one! Choose the…
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The Big Diaper Debate: Cloth Vs. Disposable Diapers
Cloth or disposable diapers? Wondering which one to go with? Each of your friends keep telling you something totally different and you are just more confused and can’t decide. Welcome to the Big Diaper Debate! We’ll help you to choose. There are a few key components you have to consider and based on them it…
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The Ultimate Baby Registry Must Haves
One of the most important things to do before your baby is born is to put together your baby registry. Your family members and friends most definitely want to buy presents for the you and the new baby so it’s a good idea to direct them to the list of the things you actually want…
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Development of One-Year Olds’
The first birthday is always exciting to celebrate. If you’re a new parent, this event always lingers in your mind and you just probably can’t wait to invite your families and friends to have fun in the extraordinary occasion. What should you know about your baby’s development? Day after day, you’ve seen them growing bigger…
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Does my child need a private tutor?
Does my child need a private tutor? A common question parents ask themselves when some problems occur in their kids’ school. You should think about getting a tutor if: your child’s school activity is falling behind other classmates his/her grades aren’t high anymore your child is just not coping with teachers’ requirements All these represent…
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7 Secrets to Get Your Baby to Sleep
You are tired. You are sleepy. And you feel like you just might loose it every second now. But your little bundle of joy just won’t fall asleep. You’re starting to get worried and feel like the worst mom ever. Does this sound familiar to you? This is pretty much how I felt before I…
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All You Need To Know About Baby Highchairs
Are baby highchairs really that crucial? If your baby is already of six months age then having a baby highchair is very important for you. There are many types of chairs available in the market and some of them even recline. You may choose a chair which is specially made for small babies who haven’t…
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Do You Have The Right Bedding For Your Baby?
Do you have the right bedding for your baby? While the birth of a baby is the most exceptional experience in any woman’s life, it is after the birth of the child that the real work begins. There are many skills that a new mother will have to learn and learn quickly ; bottles, diapers…
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Secrets To Get Your Baby To Sleep At Naptime
Are you having troubles to put your baby to sleep at her naptime? Well, not anymore! Its very important for your baby to nap well during her first few months of life, you may want to try to cut back on the time she is awake by 15 minute increments. If she is getting overstimulated,…
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Choosing A Middle Name For Your Baby
What many parents seem to forget when naming a child is choosing a middle name for their baby. This is a very important step in the process in which a child is named. A middle name not only adds to the personal identity of a person. It also gives them another term that people can…
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