Exfoliation is a method that is used to remove the dead skin cells and leave behind the fresh new skin cells.
This gives the skin improved quality and appearance. Skin cells can become old. They harden and lose moisture and the appearance of the skin then becomes dull and dry. This leads to the pores becoming clogged.
Exfoliation removes these old, dry, dull skin cells and stimulates the renewal of fresh, healthy skin cells leaving the skin looking young and smooth.
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Physical exfoliants:
-use a brush or a gentle abrasive to cause friction to remove the dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. We should use different exfoliant products for different skin types.
Chemical exfoliants:
-use Alpha Beta Hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, enzymes and retinal to remove dead skin cells. These substances dissolve the intercellur that attaches the skin cells to the skin surface.
For the best and safest results with chemical exfoliants an Esthetician will perform professional facial treatments over a period of six weeks. Enzymatic and hydroxyl acids are safe for home use and are available for personal use in the home. Glycolic acid is widely used in many skin care products.
In youth the skin cell renewal process takes 25 to 30 days but as we get older this process slows down and can take up to 90 days. The slower, natural removal of skin cells causes dull, thick, saggy and dehydrated skin. When you use an exfoliant you help to remove the dead dry cells that would normal take longer and so you assist in helping the skin become hydrated, firmer and much smoother.
Exfoliation is very effective on mature and pre-maturing skin. It stimulates the cell renewal much faster than the body will do on its own.
When you let your skin become dehydrated it won’t contain enough moisture and will feel tight and stretched.
When people have dehydrated skin they tend to use lots of moisturizer in an attempt to moisten the skin. BUT moisturizer leaves the old skin cells stuck on the surface and the skin appears dull and uneven.
Exfoliation will remove those dead, dehydrated cells and will moisturize and hydrate the skin. These specific skin care products will reach much deeper into the layers of skin. They help to moisturize deeply and keep the skin hydrated and there is then no need to use heavy moisturizing creams.
If you have oily and acne prone skin then you are likely to have five times more dead skill cells than normal or dry skin. The oily dead skin cells will clog the pores contributing to acne. Exfoliation will remove the dead skin cells. It helps to remove the clogged pores.
BONUS: it leaves you with a fresher, clearer complexion.
Other skin problems are sun damaged skin, hyper pigmented skin (which is caused by sun damage) or hormonal changes. These problems can increase the melanin of the skin which can cause dark patches.
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Exfoliation can help to remove the dark patches by renewing the skin cells faster and preparing the skin for use of products. Those help to reduce the melanin production and leave lighter skin.